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Customizing the Login Page

By default the login page for VTCalendar includes the login form and a message about how to request a login to the calendar. The message includes the e-mail address for the calendar's administrative sponsor.

If you have your own procedure for requesting access, or would like to remove this message altogether, it is possible to customize the HTML for the login page.

  1. Create a text file in the static-includes folder named loginform.txt.
  2. Include the basic HTML for your login page in that file. This should only be the HTML that would appear inside of the <body> tag.
  3. You must include the text @@LOGIN_FORM@@ within that file, which is where the calendar will insert the login form. This only includes the table that asks for the user-id and password, and the submit button. If you would like to customize the text that appears in that table or for the button, you will need to edit your language file.
  4. If you would like the "Login" header text to appear from your language file, you can optionally insert the text @@LOGIN_HEADER@@.
  5. In your config.inc.php, set CUSTOM_LOGIN_HTML to true.

Example #1:


How this would display:



Example #2:


How this would display:


If you have been given access to this calendar to directly add events then use the login below.


Public Event Submission Form:

Use the Public Event Submission Form if you are an college, school, department or organization that would like to submit an event for a calendar.

Events submitted this way will be reviewed by the calendar's administrator.