VTCalendar was originally developed at Virginia Tech and is now maintained by Andre Mekkawi.
However, it has received many contributions from people outside of our organization.
Many thanks go to Betsy Blythe, Jan Gibb, B. Collier Jones, Kaye Kriz, Susan Olivier, James Powell, and Björn Wiberg for their support and constructive feedback.
(If you have contributed to the project but don't find your name on this page please take our apologies and remind us so we can fix that quickly!)
Andre Mekkawi (amekkawi at
Took over development in 2008 - had been using a modified version of VTCalendar at Howard University for several years.
Jochen Rode (jrode at
Developed core code around 1999 - in the days when I started learning PHP :-)
Juris Treibahs (juris.treibahs at
Internationalization support; Latvian translation
Icons & Images
VTCalendar makes use of David Vignoni's excellent Nuvola icon theme. Some icons are variations of his work.